Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Birthday Cards and Aging

            The content of the cards vary in each age group. The cards in the 20 year old group mostly tell about partying and living your life while having fun. The 30s make us realize what we have in our life. The 40s also make us realize what we have but also who we have become. The 50s use humor to say how they are getting older such as "over the hill," but still young enough to do plenty of things. The 60s-80s are basically the same where we look back on the good times of our life and the challenges we have endured, while appreciating all we have. Cards usually have a positive connotation about aging since every year as we grow older the cards tend to have a deeper meaning about our life. But, there are plenty of cards that use humor for aging. Humor helps us have a better perspective on life.
             Overall, the society respects the elderly. Most of the cards are genuinely respectful. The cards for the older ages are sincere and have very meaningful sayings in them. What the society thinks and what the cards say are quite similar.
             Young adults usually go through stages of love and close relationships, middle-aged adults most of the time go through a time where they are deeply involved with their family/career, and people in their late adulthood have a stage where they take the time to reflect back on their life. These developmental theories about aging are very similar to what card companies make each age group about.

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