Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My psychology Intro

My name is Amber Prokopiak. I am a 17 year old senior from Thorp High School. This is pretty much the basic information about me. Now I will try to discover the deeper meaning of why I am the person I am today.

I think about things very deeply. Most of the time before I speak, I end up thinking about how the other person might interpret it. I like to see things from other people's point of view. That is why I like to hear what people are thinking most of the time. Alot of the time, I feel that I am outside of my actual surrounding, and I am just looking in from somewhere else. It's as if I really know what people are thinking without them saying anything because I'm pretty good at reading body language.

I process information my slowly letting it absorb in. A lot of times, I think I can handle alot of information at once, but usually that just makes things worse. I'm a good multi-tasker but learning multiple things at once of the same thing is a different story. For example, I would never be able to read to different books at once. I like to concentrate on one thing only before I jump to something else.

I tend to learn best if I read it to myself or try to attempt the work in a quiet place. I become easily distracted and have to do my work alone. If people try reading me something or explaining it without any diagrams or text, most likely I won't remember it. If i am working alone and I cant understand something, I become frustrated because I know if I cant get it done then, it's going to be even harder to get it done later.

I am a pretty easy going and mellow person.  I like to have fun and laugh alot.I like to put things in other peoples perspective before I become angry or upset with them. Not everybody thinks like me, so I try to think like others do. My "bad" side does come out though if I hear people gossiping about my friends or family. I'll always stand up for them and I don't let people walk over me. I've never really been a pushover, though my co-workers say I somewhat am since I don't complain when I help them with their work or even volunteer to do it.

The loss of all my grandparents probably is the biggest thing that has impacted me in my life. By the time i was in 7th grade, I was no longer fortunate to have them. It really made me realize how important family and friends are, and that we should never take them for granted. I hate being mad at people, which is why I like to solve things right away. Some people say they need to "cool down" first but I'd rather just figure it out and make things better as soon as possible.  We'll never know how long we have left in this world which is why we should make the best out of everyday. My favorite saying is "just look on the bright side." I hate putting people down, or judging them before I know them. Alot of the time, people do it just as a joke, but there is a very thin line no one should cross

 I take after alot of people I think. I have my Dad's calm attitude, which is a good thing most of the time. I have my Mom's work ethic. I like to push myself and get alot of stuff done in short amount of time. My oldest sister and I share alot of the same interests. My other older sister and I have a very similar personality. It's amazing how each of my family members definitely has played a major role in my life some way or another.